From a sudden vendor cancellation or damage to your treasured white gown, wedding insurance can protect against unforeseen problems, while also giving loving couples peace of mind.
What Protections Does Wedding Insurance Offer?
For the happiest day of your life, you must be covered! Wedding insurance protects an engaged couple’s investment in the event of circumstances outside their control and provides reimbursement for incurred expenses
Typical Coverage Options
Most policies will cover the following losses:
Venue: Policy covers the costs of unavoidable cancellation (damage to the venue) and if the venue is in an unusable condition. Some policies will also cover the rehearsal dinner site as well.
Weather: If weather conditions prevent the couple or relatives whose presence is essential to the wedding or a majority of the guests from arriving to the wedding site, policy covers the cost of rescheduling the event, including all details, such as flowers and food.
Attire: Policy pays to repair or replace special attire they are lost, stolen or damaged.
Military or job transfer: Policy covers the postponement of the wedding due to a bride or groom being called into military duty or forced to make a last-minute job transfer.
Additional Coverage Options
Photography: Covers the cost of retaking photographs if the photographer fails to show up or if image negatives are lost, stolen or damaged.
Videographer: Policy pays to have a video montage created, video compilation of photographs or retaking the video using restaging techniques if the video is damaged.
Gifts: Policy pays for the cost of repairing or replacing non-monetary gifts that are lost, stolen or damaged.
Personal liability: Policy covers bodily injury or property damage caused by accidents that occur during the wedding.
Honeymoon: Certain policies include optional travel insurance for the honeymoon.
Tips to Consider
Do extensive research on the vendors you select before signing on the dotted line.
Keep your deposits small, as most are non-refundable, to protect against a large loss if you need to reschedule or cancel your wedding.
Count on Us!
Contact E.B. Cohen at (973) 403-9500 to learn more about how this coverage can help you to eliminate one less wedding day worry!